English language can be very hard at many times for those who are non-native speakers , as we are expected to use it daily , time to time in our respective fields , interactions with friends , colleagues , in our classrooms , online chatting , with professors and hundreds of places.

For some of us, it’s easy to speak and write English but for others, perhaps not so much. And understandably so; it’s the second or third language to us and though we might not fully grasp it, especially when it comes to talk with others . For writing assignments in English or reading course material provided online, there are unique ways to help combat it through various translators etc..

So given the reach to internet of all , let's make full use of it in improving our English vocabulary and grasping power . Why not get something extra from your web browser ??
Most of us use Google Chrome as our default browsers in our laptops , computers . And with that there come many options to download and add various Extensions , that one or many , useful or not we all must have added in our browser from the Chrome Web Store , which can enhance your browsing experience. Not only that, you can download and add extensions that can enable you to become more productive and learn as well each time you use your browser !!

So with this in mind , let me tell you about three Chrome extensions to add in your browser that can help you improve your English amply .

Magoosh Vocabulary

For all the students , workers or any user , this should be a must add extension .
Every time you open your browser or a new tab or refresh your tab , you will see a new word , with proper definition , pronunciation , use in a sentence as example .
What's new ?? the thing is each time the word is from the Graduate Record Examinations.
You can use this Chrome extension to build your vocabulary, to study for an upcoming exam, or just for building your vocabulary .
So this is a must add for all , each time you open you will learn new words and thus improving your vocabulary .
Magoosh helps students study with effective, affordable, and enjoyable prep for the GRE, GMAT, SAT, ACT, and TOEFL and various other exams.
To add Magoosh extension to your browser , click here  .

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eJOY English - Word Master

This extension can be heaven for all the binge watcher , or anyone watching various T.V. series or lectures in different languages on any platform like YouTube , Netflix , Udemy , Cousera or anywhere . 
Sometimes it become hard to understand some lectures or some dialogues or movies due to the language or accent , this extension will save you from all those difficult situations . 
It translate subtitles on Netflix ,YouTube , Udemy , Coursera or anywhere.  It helps you lookup Dictionary and learn Vocabulary with games to remember forever.
Indirectly this will help you gain and learning new words easily.
So ,get translation while watching movies, videos, reading news, surfing social media, or any where in just one click. Save new words to word books and play English games to remember forever.

Not just that, eJOY English helps you get definition of words, English idioms, common phrases, latest slangs, and collocations.
To add eJOY extension to your browser , click here 

Grammar and Spelling checker by Ginger

English language is always a hard language to master,not just for the non-native speakers, who struggle with it but for native ones too . With so many rules around syntax, sentence structure and punctuation, navigating the proper ins and outs of the English language properly can be difficult even for native speakers.
So here comes the best extension for such issues , With this extension , anything you write in a mail or any message or article , it will catch any kind of mistake and give you proper suggestions to correct it there only .

It includes a full set of features to ensure that you make the most out of all of your written communications: Equally suited for both native and non-native English speakers, you can use Ginger Page to enhance your writing in business correspondence, academic documents and for social writing.
You can rephrase , translate , learn new words , correct mistakes and so much .

To add Ginger extension to your browser , click here .

This is my first blog , so do help me grow , if you like it , please leave a like and a comment below and please share it with others too.
Thanks for reading
By - Sanchit Jain 
